“Il Parlamento europeo” by Andrea Manzella

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“Il Parlamento europeo” by Andrea Manzella

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On 3 July 2024 from 17.00 to 18.15 (Brussels time) the FMA hosted a Librorum event in collaboration with the Liaison Office of the European Parliament (EPLO) in Italy.

This event featured Andrea Manzella, Former MEP and President of the Centre for Parliamentary Studies-CESP at Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS) – Free International University of Social Studies, who presented his book “Il Parlamento europeo – The European Parliament”. Former MEP Mr. Manzella, renowned for his pivotal role in drafting the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union, brings a wealth of experience to his analysis of the European Parliament’s evolution.

As we navigate the complexities of European integration and parliamentary democracy, this book offers invaluable insights into the transformative journey of the European Parliament’s influential role in shaping both European and national politics. The event reflected also on the outcomes of the recent European elections while looking ahead to the upcoming legislative period.

FMA President and Former President of the European Parliament Klaus Hänsch delivered a word of welcome followed by opening remarks from Head of EPLO Italy Carlo Corazza. FMA Vice-President Monica Baldi presented the book and introduced Andrea Manzella who provided his insights into the book. A question & answer session with the audience followed with the participation of co-author Nicola Lupo. The event concluded with closing remarks from FMA Board Member Michael Hindley.

Among the 100 online participants were former EP and FMA President Enrique Barón Crespo, FMA Members, university professors, researchers and students.

The event was held on Zoom and livestreamed on FMA’s YouTubeX and Facebook channels.
The full recording of this Librorum event is available here with interpretation in English, French and Italian.


July 3
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Event Category: