The University is required to meet transport and accommodation costs and is expected to cover on-site expenses for the Members’ accommodation, meals, the administrative material needed and for local transportation. The local transportation includes the transportation to and from the airport as well as the transportation during the time of the visit.

Should you be interested in getting financial aid, you may apply for funding to the European Commission under the Jean Monnet Action at: . For possible inquiries on how to apply for funding, please contact the Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency at:

In order to encourage the positive use of the EP to Campus Programme by Jean Monnet beneficiaries, certain travel and subsistence costs that are directly linked to the teaching activity of Former MEPs are considered as grant-eligible expenditure. The possible invitation of a Former MEP have to be foreseen in the content part of a Jean Monnet Proposal or the Executive Agency (EACEA) has to agree on the additional activity during the eligibility of a project.